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Your baby’s development

This week your baby is the size of a… Chinese cabbage.
As with last week, this week involves more growing, practising movements and ‘breathing’ the amniotic fluid. There’s lots of ‘fine tuning’ going on when you’re 28 weeks pregnant, including ongoing growth and development to:

· Eyebrows, eyelashes and hair on head
· Body fat
· Muscle tone
· Lungs (which could now breathe air with some help in neonatal care)
Your physical pregnancy changes

Around this time, your breasts will start producing colostrum, an early form of breastmilk, which means your body is getting ready to produce milk for when your baby is born. If this isn’t your first baby, this may happen a few weeks earlier.
As you become more obviously pregnant, some people will become fascinated with your bump. Many women experience complete strangers reaching out to touch your tummy, which can be quite alarming at first. If you’re okay with it then by all means let them, but if this makes you feel in any way uncomfortable then don’t be afraid to speak up!

You may also be experiencing some or all of the following pregnancy complaints:
Swelling of the feet, ankles and legs
Varicose veins
Your health and fitness during pregnancy

Continue doing light exercise to help with back pain. Your doctor, midwife or physiotherapist will be able to suggest some exercises that will help with pain in specific areas.
As your tummy expands your skin stretches, which may make it itchy and dry, and you may also noticestretch marks appearing. These are unavoidable but may be minimised by using moisturising creams and oils. It’s always best to check with your pharmacist before using any products as they may contain chemicals unsuitable for pregnant women.
Your week 28 pregnancy checklist

· If you’ve got a car then your baby is going to need a car seat. There is a huge range on the market, from basic to expensive, so it’s all down to personal preference. Just make sure the seat you buy passes Australian government requirements. (Check your state road safety website for current requirements.)
· Ask a doctor to recommend some exercises to relieve back pain.
· Stock up heartburn helpers – try complementary remedies or ask your doctor to recommend something safe to take in pregnancy.
· Wear support stockings to help keep swelling down.
· Buy some pregnancy-friendly moisturiser to help minimise stretch marks.