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What Is Fluid In Uterus?

In normal conditions uterus does not hold any fluids in its cavity. During pregnancy, the amniotic sac holds the amniotic fluid. Apart from this, fluid gets accumulated in the uterus in the form of fibroids or polyps. Some non- malignant condition can cause retention of fluid in the uterus. People with pelvic inflammatory diseases caused by bacterial infection also experience retention of fluid in uterus. This is known as fluid in uterus. When fluid is present in the uterus it is a cause for worry.  The danger of the condition is that most women may not be aware of the fluid retention in their uterus. Sometimes inflammation of the uterine tissues also occurs.  The condition can be identified with the symptoms associated with it.

Symptoms Of Fluid In Uterus

In some women fluid accumulation in the uterus remains asymptomatic. Some patients show some of the following symptoms.
•    Pelvic pain which results from the accumulation of fluids in the uterus.
•    Feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen
•    Feeling of abdominal fullness with abdominal cramps and bloating
•    Respiratory problems like difficulty in breathing or shortness of breath along with fever and loss of appetite.
•    Foul and offensive discharge from the vagina which is referred as leucorrhea.
•    Irregular bowel movements or diarrhea during menses.
•    Excessive, painful menstruation, passing large clots
•    Prolonged and abnormal menstrual cycle.
•    Frequent urination due to the compression of the bladder by the fluids

The Cause Of Fluid In Uterus

The cause of fluid accumulation in uterine cavity depends on age.
•    In premenopausal women fluid accumulation is associated with pregnancy
•    Women at the menopause stage will have intrauterine fluid accumulation
•    In women with a history of endometrial ablations the cervical opening becomes stenosed.
•    Presence of benign tumors and fibroids in the uterine wall causes fluids in the uterus.
•     Foreign bodies like intrauterine devices to control pregnancy may get infected and result in accumulation of fluid in the uterus.

Home Remedies For Fluid In Uterus

The following are the home readies that will help in reducing the symptoms of fluid in uterus.

1. Reduce Caffeine Intake

If you have the habit of drinking five to six cups of coffee every day, then you are bound to increase the estrogen levels in your body that will lead to fibroid growth. This will also result in fluid increase in your uterus.
• Try to take just a cup of coffee every day and that too in the morning.
• Replace your evening coffee with green tea to reduce the symptoms of increasing fluid in the uterus.

• Make sure that you do not take coffee during your menstrual cycle.

2. Avoid Red Meat

It would be ideal for you to avoid over consumption of red meat especially beef. Eating red meat has been found out to be an agent that sometimes doubles the growth of uterine fluids and fibroids.
• It is ideal that you totally avoid commercial meat or meats that are hormone injected.
• Make sure that go for non GMO red meat if you have the craving for beef. But, consume it just once a week.

3. Vegetarian Diet

One of the easiest ways to get rid of fluids in uterus as well as the development of fibroids is to go for vegetarian diets.
• Switch to a complete vegetarian diet and make sure you take a lot of fruits and vegetables in your daily diet.
• You will see significant changes in uterine pain, uterine cramping and so on within weeks.
• Also, make sure that you consume on low fat products along with vegetables.

4. Avoid Dairy Products

It is ideal for you to remove fatty dairy diets from your meal plan as it will help in increasing fibroid growth as well as reduce the fluids in uterus.
• High fat dairy products like cream, butter, cheese, full cream milk and ice-creams must be totally avoided.
• You can use low fat milk and yogurt in moderate quantities.

5. Chocolates And Colas

Chocolates and colas also contain caffeine as its main ingredients and too much consumption of chocolates and colas will result in an increase of fibroids and fluid in the uterus.
• If you are suffering from symptoms of fluids in the uterus, then it is better to avoid chocolates and colas totally as the body will take a long time to metabolize the caffeine in thee products.
• Substitute colas with green or white tea.

6. Essential Fatty Acids

Take foods that are rich in essential fatty acids as it will help in metabolizing the saturated fat in your body that is one of the reasons for fluid in the uterus.
• Sea greens, seafood, dark greens, avocado, and olive oil are rich sources of essential fatty acids.
• Add these foods in your daily diet to reduce fluid in the uterus and reduce fibroid growth.

7. Eat High Fiber Diet

It is important for you to increase the fiber intake to balance the estrogen hormones so that it reduces fibroid growth and fluid in the uterus.
• Fiber-rich foods like brown rice, what bread and so on has to be used instead of white rice and white bread.
• Eating an apple or a pear every day will help in better bowel movement and excretion of excess estrogen.

8. Cruciferous Vegetables

Adding cruciferous vegetables to your daily diet is very important in improving the estrogen metabolism in your body. This will in turn help in reducing fibroid symptoms and also reduce the accumulation of fluids in your uterus.
• Cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts are the cruciferous veggies that you must take in your daily diet to reduce the symptoms of fluid in the uterus.

9. Regular Exercise

It is ideal for you to maintain a healthy body weight in order to improve your metabolism and to reduce the secretion of fluid in the uterus as well as reduce the development of fibroids.
• You need to exercise regularly to maintain your body weight and to stay healthy.
• You need to exercise for 30 to 45 minutes every day at least five times a week to maintain a healthy weight.
• Walking, running, jogging, cycling and swimming are some of the ideal exercises. You can also work out in the gym.

10. Avoid Processed Foods

It is ideal for you to avoid processed foods if you have symptoms of fluid in the uterus or fibroids.
• All canned foods, processed foods sold in stores and supermarkets, alcohol, unfermented soy products, sugar, and refined carbohydrates need to be avoided if you want to stay away from the fibroids and fluid in uterus symptoms.

11. Castrol Oil

• Warm a little quantity of Castrol oil and apply it to your abdominal area.
• It will help in relaxing the muscles around your abdomen region and will reduce pain and cramping.
• Castrol oil packs will also help in treating fluid in the uterus and uterine fibroids.

12. Lavender Oil Massage

• You can use lavender oil to massage your abdomen area lightly.
• This will help in alleviating fibroid pain and also improves blood flow in the abdomen area.
• Apply the lavender oil daily for two weeks to get soothing relief from uterus problems.

13. Herbs

There are certain herbs that are found to be effective in treating fibroids, uterine pains and fluid in uterus.
• Dandelion
• Rosemary
• Milk thistle
• Chamomile
• Motherwort

14. Vegetable Juice Diet

• You can think of flushing away all impurities and wastes that aid in body congestion and metabolism prevention by taking a 24 hour vegetable juice diet once every month or once in fifteen minutes.
• This will greatly help in eliminating symptoms of fluid in the uterus and fibroid growth.

15. Flax Seeds

• Flax seeds help in reducing the estrogen levels in the body and will aid in quick metabolism.
• Adding 15 grams of flax seed in your daily diet will help you to get rid of all uterus problems.

16. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

• Make sure that you take foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids at least once in two days to reduce the fibroid growth as well as fluid in the uterus.
• Sardines, mackerel, salmon and tuna are rich sources of Omega 3 fatty acids.
• Taking fish oil capsules daily will also help in intake of omega 3 fatty acids.

17. Herbal Tea

• Take herbs such as red clover blossoms, horsetail, wild yam root and red raspberry leaves and add it to drinking water.
• Boil the water with the herbs and then simmer it for five minutes.
• Cool the water and then strain away the herbs.
• Drink this tea twice a day for two weeks to effectively reduce fluid in uterus.

18. Soy Beans

• Soybeans help in reducing estrogen levels in the body and contain compounds that will take the place in the cells where estrogen enters.
• Soy milk and tofu are rich sources of soybeans.

Are you experiencing light pain and fluid movement in your uterus? Do you want to reduce the fluids in your uterus as well as reduce the development of fibroids? Then, you can try out some of the home remedies mentioned above to enjoy effective results.


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