Answering Clinical Questions Improves Patient Safety

  • EnergyBody

    What is the Energy Body?

    Clairvoyants, with the use of their psychic faculties, have observed that every person is surrounded and interpenetrated by a luminous energy body called the bioplasmic body. It is also called as the energy body or Etheric double. This energy body interpenetrates the visible physical body and extends beyond it by four or five inches. It follows the contour of the visible physical body and is called the inner aura.

  • illumination

    What is illumination?

    Soul-Realization (Self-Realization) is nothing more than the incarnated soul (lower self or personality) realizing that is not the body and is one with the Higher Soul (Higher Self). This is the meaning of yoga or illumination. There are many degrees of illumination. For some people, it may take years before they experience an initial glimpse of illumination or Buddhic consciousness. Others may take months and others may take weeks.

  • Scanning

    What is Scanning?

    Scan the energy field of the patient to detect the disturbances in the energy body. Hands are used to initiate the process of healing. Located in the palm of the hands are energy centers called chakras. These chakras when activated become sensitive to feeling the energy of other beings. Thus it is possible to scan the energy field and locate blockages. These areas can be cleansed, energized and replenished with the fresh supply of Prana. Diseases manifest when there is depletion or congestion of Prana in the chakras.

  • AtmaNamasteMean

    What Does Atma Namaste Mean ?

    It is something that we learned in one of Master’s “higher classes”. We would like to give you one meaning of this “secret handshake”. We want you to be part of the inner circle, no matter where you stand. This phrase addresses the” higher” soul of the person: “To the higher Soul “, I honor the place within you where the universe resides. I honor the place with in you of love, light, and truth. When you are in that place and I am in that place we are One. When we were taught this saying, it came along with a practice. This practice starts with you placing your hands in the prayer position on your heart. Gaze above the head of another person, 6 to 8 inches, and say Atma, Namaste. Then, look into their eyes (you may also look into your own eyes in a mirror). Really look, and wait. See what comes back to you. Do you fall in love? This is an intense practice; do not reserve it for a few. Make it happen often, and with many. May you enjoy this practice, another blessing from our teacher to you.

  • Energybody,Aura

    Energy body or Aura?

    Prana is applied on the ‘aura’ or the energy field that surrounds the physical body. The aura, called the bioplasmic body, extends to about 4-5 inches from the surface of the skin. Called ‘Pranamaya Kosha’ in Sanskrit, aura is an invisible luminous energy field that interpenetrates the physical body.

    Prana is absorbed and distributed throughout the physical body only through the energy body. This Pranic energy can be projected from one person to another. The Chakras help to distribute this energy throughout the physical body.

  • DiseasedEnergyorBlockages

    Diseased Energy or Blockages ?

    The energy that makes a person sick is called diseased energy or negative energy. This energy initially shows up on the energy body or aura. Research shows that diseased energies appear first in the energy body before appearing as an ailment in the physical body. Use of Pranic energy on the diseased part of the body helps in the acceleration of the healing process. Significantly, it helps the body heal without medication.

    healing helps rectify the imbalances in the body & energy field and transmit Prana to the patient.

  • How to select a healer ?

    How to select a healer ?

    It is best to heal oneself through one’s regular spiritual practice and spiritual healing remedies done on our own. However, if one has to seek the help of a healer, then the following can be kept in mind in selecting a spiritual healer:

    • The healer needs to be above the 50% spiritual level
    • It is best to select a healer who is not in it for fame or money but has a genuine desire to help people overcome their problems.
    • The healer needs to be doing spiritual practice under the guidance of a  Guru. (Please note there are stringent guidelines as to who can be considered a Saint or a Guru.)
    • If one finds a healer that does not meet these criteria, the likelihood of a negative energy healing through him or her is high.


    Along with the above criteria, it would be better to choose a healer who also has the following attributes.

    • Has a strong underlying focus on spiritual growth.
    • The spiritual healer’s spiritual practice needs to conform to the six basic principles of spiritual practice.

    However, knowing whether a healer meets these criteria is possible only through activated sixth sense ability. Thus, it is beyond the capacity of an average person. Doing spiritual practice conforming to the six basic principles in spiritual practice ensures the development or activation of one’s sixth sense.

  • Is paying ok ?

    Is paying ok ?

    It is okay to pay for spiritual healing. However, the amount charged by healers should be modest and in keeping with meeting the healer’s basic living needs or further the spread of spiritual healing remedies in particular spiritual practice.

    The important point from the healer’s point of view is that the focus should not be to earn money or fame.

  • Can harm come to me in any way, if spiritual healing is done incorrectly?

    Can harm come to me in any way, if spiritual healing is done incorrectly?

    The short answer is, yes. The following are some of the ways it can be harmful:

    Healers that are after fame and fortune and of lower spiritual level are most likely to be targeted by ghosts. Higher-level ghosts use these defects and attachments in the spiritual healer to affect and possess them. The possession is insidious and intangible and the healer would not have the faintest clue that he is being controlled by a ghost. Hence, it goes unnoticed. Once they have possessed the healer, they initially alleviate symptoms of the persons treated by the healer through their spiritual strength to gain their faith but also infuse black energy into the treated persons.

    If the healer does not have an advanced sixth sense he may not be able to discern the difference between positive and negative in the subtle world. Hence, while the healer may think he is channelizing energy from spirit guides he is actually healing with the black energy of ghosts posing as spirit guides. So even though the initial symptoms may be cured to gain the patient’s faith, the long-term effects are quite damaging.

  • DiseasedEnergyorBlockages

    What does one do for spiritual healing for loved ones if they are not willing to do spiritual healing remedies themselves?

    It is very difficult to convince someone if they are adamant about not doing a spiritual healing remedy. However, the following are some of the points we can keep in mind when loved ones are not willing to do remedies:

    • Read the article on the principles in spiritual healing so that we can tell them the science behind the spiritual healing remedy. Explain to them at an intellectual level why they should be doing the spiritual remedy. This may help to overcome any unwillingness from their side.
    • Pray that any black covering of the ghost be removed from the loved one’s intellect so that they listen to the advice. Ghostsoften covers the intellect of the person that they possess with black energy, thus clouding their decision-making capacity.
    • As a rule of thumb, we suggest that you tell them a maximum of three times on 3 different occasions. After this, it is up to them.
    • Do remember that ultimately it is according to one’s destiny that one has the sense to listen. If one’s destiny is severe, in most cases they will not have the thought to listen, thus making them go through years of pain. All of us are on our own spiritual journey and if we can help others in their spiritual growth, we should. However, if they don’t listen despite repeated requests, then it is best that we maintain a detached philosophical view of the situation (as hard as it may be). This is because not listening is mostly due to our loved one’s destiny to not listen and to experience pain.
  • Kirlianphotography

    What is Kirlian photography?

    Kirlian photography is a means of taking pictures of the non-material world without a camera. It provides a way of viewing the unseen patterns of energy and force fields that probably permeate all substances. It offers us a tool with which to view both art and science. The technique can serve as a medical diagnostic instrument, too. The Kirlian effect is useful for recording energy balances and harmonies in all forms of life.

    Kirlian Photography is a valuable tool that provides photographs, video, or computer images of energy flow.

    Graphically illustrate the effectiveness of health treatments with before and after Kirlian photos.
    Monitor change over time
    Visually monitor meridian system activity
    Observe the energy flow (or lack of it) between people
    Show how specific thoughts and emotions affect the psycho-physical system
    Make the connection between mind, body, and energy obvious to your clients
    Observe ability to consciously affect the bodies energy
    Observe the Kirlian aura of plants, animals, crystals, foods, and more

    Kirlin photography helps you find change in before and after Pranic Healing

    We have also an improved version of Kirlian Photography called the GDV (Gas Discharge Visualization technique) that is highly effective in identifying the week areas even before the disease can manifest on the physical body making it easy to heal – “Preventive Healing”

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