A mother’s body is beautiful! its easy to delivery on pregent time cradled her growing baby for 9 long months, keeping the child warm and safe. It felt the babies very first heart beat! It selflessly gave the baby all the nutrients it needed, and only took what was left for itself, even when this meant it’s own body was drained and tired. It’s skin stretched as the baby grew, and it ached carrying the precious load. The mother’s back hurt and she felt sick for so many hours that the naming ”morning sickness” felt like an insult. But as her body grew, so did her heart. Her heart filled with every beautiful bubble of movement she felt, every tiny foot that pushed at her already stretched body. Then this body, already pushed to it’s limit, brought the baby into the world! The pain pushed limits the mother didn’t even know she had, pain so immense that she wasn’t even sure she could get through it. But she did! And she has the beautiful body to prove it! She has breasts that filled with nutrient rich milk, and a belly with a mark for every perfect kick from her baby. Every single stretch mark is a medal of love and strength. Wear your marks, scars, lumps and bumps with PRIDE, because you EARNED them

pregnancy calender
